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Long-Term Losing Traders' Daily Psychological Stat

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Three daily trading psychological states of long-term losing traders.1. Will I be unable to enter the market? Will the market turn around? Did I run too early?2. A loser’s day begins with turning on his mobile phone and looking at the K-line for 15 minutes. He felt that there was an opportunity here, but the location was not ideal, but he was afraid of missing it, so he jumped in. After I jumped in, the market did not start quickly, so I worried whether I had done something wrong and whether the market was about to turn around, so I hurried out.3. After coming out, I find that the market has not turned around, and then I think about whether I exited the market too early, and then jump in again. If I repeat this, I will fall into a cycle, wandering in and out of the market every day.
