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Binance real spot quantitative diaryToday is another meat day. Today's direct account profit is close to 100u. I was shocked when I saw it. Sol was really too active, jumping up and down, and contributed to the main profit in December. I can't wait to have more coins like this. The current three-month profit has exceeded 20%.Talking back to some of my friends’ experiences in making inscriptions, I actually feel that this wave of inscriptions is not as good as GameFi. The actual experience is the same, that is, those who enter first eat the meat, and those who enter later cut the meat.My friend made a bunch of inscriptions on the test network, but I don’t know if they will be valuable on the public network.I personally suggest that if you are interested in this matter after seeing others eating meat, you should think carefully before doing so. If it is mainly about study, then it doesn't matter.The quantitative strategy has been recognized by some friends. Some users with 50,000 u and 100,000 u began to bring friends in to do it together, which shows their great recognition and support for us. We are sincerely grateful.The team will continue to work hard to make the algorithm more robust so that everyone can make money together.

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