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ChatGPT 选择 2024 年初购买的 5 种加密货币!

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就像 2022 年及其震撼加密货币行业的众多灾难一样,不乏看空者和末日论者,2023 年也为投资者带来了复苏和新的热情。

事实上,许多加密货币已升至一年多以来未见的高位,例如比特币 (BTC)、以太坊 (ETH) 和 Solana (SOL),而其他加密货币,例如 Polygon (MATIC),虽然受益于涨势,但仍处于低位。与之前的 2023 年高点相比,显着低于平均水平。

尽管如此,考虑到许多人认为最近发生的事件终于将“加密货币冬天”扔进了垃圾箱,而且新年即将来临,Finbold 决定向 OpenAI 的代表人工智能 (AI) ChatGPT 询问关于它会向精明的交易者推荐哪些加密货币。


比特币 (BTC)

ChatGPT 2024 年的首选是世界上最重要的加密货币——比特币 (BTC)。


除了对 BTC 相当有利的情绪外,这种加密货币还计划在 2024 年上半年经历减半,正如 ChatGPT 也指出的那样,这在历史上导致了价格的大幅上涨。

以太坊 (ETH)

以太坊 (ETH) 是另一种主要加密货币,在 2023 年最后几个月飙升至一年多以来的最高点。

此外,根据最近的 X 帖子来看,阿里·马丁内斯 (Ali Martinez) 等许多专家认为,在不久的将来,它的价格有望攀升至 3,500 美元。

据 ChatGPT 称,其分析得出的结论是,以太坊处于区块链创新的最前沿,并且由于其在去中心化金融(DeFI)和不可替代代币(NFT)领域的广泛使用,在加密货币市场中发挥着关键作用。

币安币 (BNB)

币安币 (BNB) 是少数几个在 2023 年未能达到令人印象深刻高点的主要代币之一。其表现不佳很大程度上是由不利的监管事件造成的。

6 月份,当美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 宣布对加密货币交易所币安提起诉讼时,其价格暴跌。

11 月底,BNB 再次遭受打击,当时美国政府宣布已达成协议,币安对一系列违规行为认罪,并支付约 40 亿美元的罚款,其长期首席执行官赵长鹏也辞职认罪并缴纳罚款。

Despite these events, BNB has historically performed well, and ChatGPT concluded that its wide proliferation and usage outside Binance itself provides a solid argument that will significantlygrowin the future.

Cardano (ADA)

Having risen more than 100% since its January 1, 2023, price to highs not seen since May 2022,Cardano(ADA) has had a very strong year, and ChatGPT believes that 2024 will be just as successful for the cryptocurrency.

In its analysis, the AI is particularly keen on ADA’s focus on sustainability, gradual growth with a focus on security and scalability, and “scientific philosophy” when it comes todevelopment. ChatGPT also pointed toward Cardano’s Alonzo hard fork as an example of ADA’s overall strength and suggested it may drive greater future adoption and growth

Solana (SOL)

Solana (SOL) has certainly drawn a lot of attention throughout the year due to its continued and impressive resilience and growth of nearly 800% since January 1, 2023. Its recent rise above $80 even compelled many investors towonderif the cryptocurrency will soon climb above $100.

ChatGPT considers it a strong pick due to its navigating of previous technical challenges and highlighted Solana’s high throughput and low fees as some of the most important reasons for its past successes and likely future performance.

Indeed, Solana is well-positioned for a strong 2024, with it recently evenbecomingone of the crypto market’s top 5.

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk


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