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2024 年最值得购买的游戏 (GameFi) 代币

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2024 年最值得购买的游戏 (GameFi) 代币一文首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

我们将推出2024 年最值得购买的游戏 (GameFi) 代币,





加入我们的旅程,开始在 GameFi 世界中追求财务荣耀。


揭晓 2024 年最值得购买的 GameFi 代币——您的终极手册

  1. Pikamoon ($PIKA):

    具有惊人增长潜力的新革命性 GameFi 代币

  2. Axie Infinity (AXS):

    充满可爱而强大的存在(被称为 Axie)的在线领域

  3. Iluvium (ILV):


  4. Gala(GALA):


解码 GameFi:连接游戏和加密货币 – 揭示超越传统的演变

GameFi 将游戏与去中心化金融(DeFi)结合起来。

它集成了资产所有权区块链、边玩边赚模式和 DeFi 功能。

与传统游戏不同,GameFi 代币具有现实世界价值和跨游戏可用性。


GameFi Gold Rush 2024:释放投资潜力的力量!

2024 年投资 GameFi 代币将提供游戏和去中心化金融 (DeFi) 的独特结合,提供边玩边赚的模式和游戏内资产的真正所有权。

这种融合使 GameFi 有别于传统游戏,为多元化的加密货币投资组合创造了机会。

游戏和金融整合如何改变 GameFi 代币

将游戏和金融相结合,通过引入“边玩边赚钱”的模式来提高 GameFi 代币的价值,让玩家可以通过游戏内的成就来赚取代币。


质押和借贷等去中心化金融功能增加了游戏体验的金融深度,使 GameFi 代币成为具有现实世界实用性的宝贵资产

更高水平的利润:2024 年最值得关注和购买的 GameFi 代币


通过我们的 2024 年最佳 GameFi 代币购买指南来发现更高水平的利润——您的成功战略手册。




Overview: Pikamoon is a new GameFi token in Pikaverse—a virtual world with six lands. Players can explore, catch Pikamoons, battle monsters, and face dark gods for epic fun

Here is a link to the Pikamoon Beta game.

Why It’s a Top Pick: In the realm of traditional gaming, the connection between gaming and real-world value creation is often missing. However, Pikamoon breaks this barrier by blending the thrill of gaming with the power of blockchain technology.

Growth Potential: Pikamoon sets goals for reaching milestones in social media followers and signups. This included getting 10,000 whitelist signups, more than 24,000 followers on Twitter, and over 10,000 members on Discord and Telegram. The project also aimed to bring in 100 ambassadors and influencers while providing daily games and weekly giveaways.

Axie Infinity: An ERC-20 Governance Token For The Axie Universe

Overview: Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based play-to-earn game that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. Developed by Sky Mavis, Axie Infinity features cute creatures called Axies that players collect, breed, battle, and trade.

Why It’s a Top Pick: It pioneered the play-to-earn concept, allowing players to earn cryptocurrency (SLP) by actively engaging in the game. This innovative model has attracted a large community of players seeking both entertainment and financial incentives.

Growth Potential: The game has experienced a rapid increase in its user base, driven by the play-to-earn model that attracts players seeking to earn cryptocurrency through gameplay. The growing community contributes to the overall ecosystem’s vitality.

Illuvium: Decentralized Game Development Studio And Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

Overview: Illuvium is a decentralized, community-governed blockchain-based game that combines elements of role-playing games (RPGs) with blockchain technology. In Illuvium, players trade creatures known as Illuvials.

Why It’s a Top Pick: Its impressive 3D graphics and visually appealing design stand out, offering players a captivating and immersive gaming experience.

Growth Potential: Ongoing community engagement is crucial for sustained growth. Active participation, enthusiasm, and support from the community can foster a vibrant ecosystem, driving interest in Illuvium.

Gala: Top Blockchain Gaming Platform Where Players Collect Cryptocurrencies And NFTs

Overview: Gala is the native token for the Gala Games, used for governance, participating in DApps, earning rewards, and as a medium of exchange in the Gala Games marketplace.

Why It’s a Top Pick: It provides economic incentives, encouraging users to actively participate in the Gala Games ecosystem through activities like gaming, voting, and staking.





在 GameFi 不断发展的格局中,寻找 2024 年最适合购买的 GameFi 代币揭示了一个令人兴奋的机会领域。


以创新为先,对这些 GameFi 代币的战略投资很可能会塑造来年的成功故事。

未来在召唤,对于那些准备踏上这段激动人心的旅程的人来说,最好的 GameFi 代币将成为明天激动人心的游戏的关键参与者。

让游戏革命展开,愿您的投资在 2024 GameFi 领域发挥制胜作用!

热点:代币 游戏