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5o1092基金净值 501009基金净值

5o1092基金净值 501009基金净值

1. 3003816银华日利B股票型101.0390122.1840689,591.59银华基金管理有限公司2020-05-20

The net value of the 3003816 Yinhuarili B stock type is 101.0390, with a growth rate of 22.18%. The fund is managed by Yinhuajijin Company and was last updated on 2020-05-20.

2. 4004474前海开源尊享货币B股票型104.1190107.3830164.35前海开源基金管理有限公司2019-09-23

The net value of the 4004474 Qianhai Open Source Honor Money B stock type is 104.1190, with a growth rate of 7.38%. The fund is managed by Qianhai Open Source Fund Management Company and was last updated on 2019-09-23.

3. 5007696嘉实融享货币股票型102.0563...

The net value of the 5007696 Jiashi Rongxiang Money stock type is 102.0563...

4. 5006479广发纳斯达克100ETF联接人...

The net value of the 5006479 GF Nasdaq 100 ETF Connection Person...

5. 6000929博时黄金D...

The net value of the 6000929 Boshi Gold D...

6. 1511010国泰上证5年期国债ETF...

The net value of the 1511010 Guotai SSE 5-Year National Debt ETF...

7. 2159926嘉实中证中期国债ETF...

The net value of the 2159926 Jiashi Median National Debt ETF...

8. 3110003易方达上证50增强A...

The net value of the 3110003 Yifangda SSE 50 Enhanced A...

9. 4050002博时沪深300指数A...

The net value of the 4050002 Boshi Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index A...

10. 5310318申万菱信沪深300...

The net value of the 5310318 Shenwan Lingxin Shanghai and Shenzhen 300...

11. 4016708华夏中证细分有色金属产业问题E...

The net value of the 4016708 Huaxia CSI Sub-segmental Nonferrous Metal Industry Theme E...

12. 5019164汇添富中证细分有色金属产业...

The net value of the 5019164 Huitianfu CSI Sub-segmental Nonferrous Metal Industry...

13. 21000412国开岁月鎏金定开信用债A...

The net value of the 21000412 Guokai Time Gold Fixed Open Credit Bond A...

14. 2502001西部利得中证500等权重分...

The net value of the 2502001 Western Alliance CSI 500 Equal Weight...

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